Let Kinetic Math Help Your Child Overcome COVID-19 LEARNING LOSS
The Covid-19 pandemic prompted an unprecedented campus closure and the emergent use of online learning as an alternative to traditional face-to-face classroom instruction. As a result, many parents and teachers share some common apprehensions and worries about the quality of remote or online instruction, the home support that the parents can provide and the degree of engagement of students in the online classes. They are concerned about children’s learning loss because of the constraints that COVID-19 pandemic has placed on both teachers and students. Sadly, studies (McKinsey & Company, 2020; NWEA, 2020) of education experts confirmed this suspicion- the pandemic and the pivot to online learning lead to students’ learning loss, gaps in understanding and skill knowledge which prevent academic progress.
While many parents are grateful for the switch of some schools to a “KINDER” grading system and to easier academic requirements, they can’t help but ask—Are my children really learning what they are supposed to learn for their grade level? How will they transition to the normal academic demands when this pandemic is over?
Other parents are anxious about their children’s attitude and behavior in the online class. Is my child really listening to his teacher? Did my child answer the online quiz or homework honestly? Did he watch the videos that his teacher gave as homework?
There are also some who are doubtful about their ability to teach their own children. Did I explain the concept right? Is this the correct way to solve this math problem?
The long-term effect of this abrupt switch to online schooling likewise worries the parents. Will my child pass the entrance exam of the school or university he is aiming for? Will my child be ready for college?
Most parents, on the other hand, are worried about the new class set-up and practices and how these will impact their child’s learning. Can the teachers monitor my child’s learning and participation in the virtual class given the class size? Can they learn the concepts well by watching a video sent by the teacher?
To address the abovementioned concerns and to overcome the pandemic-related learning loss, Kinetic Math offers online summer programs that meet students where they are academically. In Kinetic Math, competent and passionate math experts meet students at their level through identification of instructional gaps and targeted ONE-ON-ONE real-time online intervention or enrichment.
Below is the list of Kinetic Math’s ONLINE summer programs:
Math Wizards Summer Camp (for children who are 4-5years old)
Math Wizards Summer Camp is a summer course for children aged 4-5 years old. This program aims to teach Math concepts in a systematic, engaging, and fun way! Exciting games, enjoyable activities and written drills will help them master the necessary skills needed to prepare them for the next school year.
Mental Math Masters Program (for children 6 years old and above)
This program aims to teach children PROVEN strategies to compute mentally with accuracy and speed. This will empower the students to calculate mathematically in their heads without using paper and pencil.
In this course, children will develop the fluency flexibility and strategic thinking in mental computation by addressing the following:
- WHAT: Children will learn the basic number facts and other math concepts.
- WHEN: Students will have the ability to recognize the demands of a problem and choose the best strategy to solve it.
- WHY: Each strategy is anchored to math concepts, making it easier for students to understand why a procedure works.
- HOW: Various mental math strategies in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division will be discussed systematically and thoroughly in the course.
Bar Model Method Training Camp (for children who are 7 years old and above)
This program will teach the students how to solve word problems using the bar model method. The bar model method is a systematic method of representing word problems and number relationships using rectangular bars. This helps children visualize the problem, know which operation/s to perform and view all problems from an algebraic perspective beginning in early elementary levels.
Mastering Fractions Summer Program (for children who are 8 years old & up)
This program will provide a step-by-step introduction to fractions through a visual and conceptual approach. It will help students visualize and conceptualize fractions and calculate and solve word problems using them. This course will tackle adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. It will likewise teach the students how to draw fraction bar models which are powerful tools in solving multi-step fraction word problems.
Integers & Algebra Summer Course (for children who are 11 years old & up)
Algebra plays an important role in preparing students for higher education. Students who do well in algebra are better prepared for college entrance exams and for college, in general.
Integers & Algebra Summer Course aims to help students transition from the visual model method to the abstract concepts of integers and algebra. In this course, students will learn about integers and build on the knowledge to develop skills in algebra. This will train the students to think and reason logically, orderly and abstractly.
Remedial Program (for students from Grade 1 to Grade 8)
Kinetic Math Summer Remedial Program is geared towards helping students develop valuable math skills that are vital for learning higher level concepts and skills next school year. This could be anything from being able to compute mentally and communicate mathematically to being able to think critically and creatively.
Traditional Math to Singapore Math Transition Program (for students from Kinder to Grade 8)
This program aims to help the child bridge the gap between the math skills that he/she has learned in traditional math and the required math skills for his/her grade level in Singapore Math curriculum. This course will equip the students with an in-depth understanding of mathematical concepts and with varied tools for solving complex multi-step word problems, the core of the Singapore Math curriculum.
Preschool Math (for children who are 4-5 years old)
This program aims to prepare children aged 4-5 years old for the big school by providing them with a strong foundation in Mathematics. This program develops the child’s early math skills such as number sense, representation, spatial sense, measurement, estimation, patterns, and problem solving. In this course, students will learn Math in a systematic, engaging, and fun way through exciting games, and enjoyable activities and written drills.
Math Tutorial Program (for students from Kinder to Grade 10)
This is also offered to students who need help in understanding their Math lesson in school. During the tutorial session, the well-trained Kinetic Math teachers discuss the math lesson, and provide the students with guided and independent drills. They also check the student’s homework and review the students for quizzes and examinations.
Beginner’s Math (for children who are 3-4 years old)
Beginner’s Math aims to develop the child’s early math skills while honing his fine motor, cognitive and language skills in a PLAY MODE. In this program, children aged 3 to 4 will HAVE FUN in EXPLORING and EXPERIENCING math through guided hands-on activities, songs, chants, and games.
A Beginner’s Kit which includes worksheets, counters and other activity materials will be provided for our young math explorers. This may be delivered to your house through a third-party delivery courier.
Empower your kids in beating their Math learning loss this summer. Contact Kinetic Math now.
Mobile number: 09954592600
Email address: kineticmathonlineclass@gmail.com
Facebook page: kineticmathcenter
Twitter: @KineticMath
Instagram: @kineticmathcenter
Website: www.kineticmathcenter.net
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