Kinetic Math offers one-on-one and group Online and Onsite MATH sessions (1:3 teacher-student ratio). These programs’ progression from a learning task to guided practice to independent practice not only boosts the child’s confidence and fosters the child’s interests in Math but also enables the child to develop understanding of mathematical concepts.

Kinetic Math offers energizing and engaging learning activities which help students to develop numerical fluency, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills while enjoying math.
“My husband and I are very grateful to Kinetic Math for bringing out the best in Lucas. After a few sessions, he excelled in Math. His attitude towards learning improved and no longer feared challenge in confronting word problems. We can attest to the effectivity of Kinetic Math as we were surprised with how quick the results were.”
“The Kinetic Math teachers are very kind and gentle to us. The Kinetic Math program was indeed helpful to my child. I saw how Clarence’s grade improve especially in the fourth quarter. I believe that the Kinetic Math program will continue to improve my child’s math ability.”
“My grade was 79 (2nd Quarter) before I started Kinetic Math. When I attended Kinetic Math sessions, I was able to raise my grade to 86 by third quarter and to 92 by fourth quarter. Kinetic Math helped me do hard things in Math. Kinetic Math is the best!”
“My grade before I joined Kinetic Math was 77. Then, I was able to raise it to 88 because of Kinetic Math. I am so happy that Kinetic Math can help me in Math.”

Find out why Parents and Kids love Kinetic Math.